Tomaselli Valentina

Ritratto di Tomaselli Valentina

Neuroscience, Technology and Society, XXXIX series
Grant sponsor

Università degli Studi di Padova

Irene Leo
Ombretta Gaggi

Project description
Injury prediction is a challenging issue and a key component for injury prevention. Injury aetiology is a complex event that should be analyzed in an interdisciplinary view (Fisher et al., 2020). Bittencourt et al., (2016) propose a new approach to injury phenomenon, in which units located into a “web of determinants” (Philippe & Mansi, 1998) interact with each other in different ways. These interactions may produce risk profiles that should be investigated to prevent injury. According to biopsychosocial views, researchers should
consider injury risk factors in physical, biological, psychological and sociocultural areas (Wiese-Bjornstal, 2010). The project could be the first step to develop a monitoring
interdisciplinary record to help athletes and coaches preventing injuries. In fact, the research will examine the variations of psychophysiological indices like Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Electromyography (EMG) feedback with biofeedback, sleeping parameters with wearable actigraphy and cortisol concentration. The study design will also include subjective measures like self-report questionnaires and daily records. Finally, it’s essential to create a dialogue between academic community and sport context. New discoveries have to be spread and transformed in new monitoring instruments and methods, giving practical solutions to injury problem.