Anti-COVID Measures for the Access to HIT Laboratories
During the session held on September 9, The Council of Ministers passed a Decree Law stating that anyone who wishes to access Italian University structures must possess and show a valid COVID-19 Green Pass.
All the information for the access for students and staff it's reported in Coronavirus - Udates at Unipd (English Version) and Coronavirus: gli aggiornamenti dell'Università di Padova (Italian Version).
On October 26th, by Implementing measures of the Rector’s Decree n 3518 of 26/10/2020, the security measures for the containment of the virus were modified.
Annex the new Protocol for contrast and containment of Virus SARS COV-2 (Pdf - Italian) (October 26th)
For the staff of the University, the access form can be downloaded in a customized and automated form by accessing the SIT.
Declaration form for access to university facilities (PDF format)
Implementing measures of the Rector’s Decree No. 1509/2020, prot. 200662 of 29/04/2020
For the staff of the University, the access form can be downloaded in a customized and automated form by accessing the SIT.
Declaration form for access to university facilities (PDF format)
Annex 1 - Hygiene measures and behaviour
Annex 2 - Use of DPI for containment and management of epidemiological emergency by SARS Cov Virus-2